
Join A Historic Rescue Happening Very Soon To Rescue 200 Sex Slaves! Plus a powerful word from Lana Vawser-"I HEARD THE LORD SAY 'INJUSTICES BE UPROOTED! I AM ACCELERATING THE WINDS OF MY DIVINE JUSTICE

Right now, 200 sex trade victims are trapped in horrific conditions in a nation in the Western Hemisphere.  Due to the sensitive nature of this operation to protect the safety of the victims and the rescuers we can not specify the nation.  We need to raise $7,000 in the next 48 hours to rescue, comfort, and to do counseling trauma, healthcare, and hope.  If 150 people gave $48.00 the Lord can set these captives free! Pray and ask the Lord what He desires you to do in this vital area for us to hear the voice of our Lord. As He leads give at this link, click here:  or click this QR code:   Please share this with friends and family to save lives and destinies.  ______________________________________________________ Lana Vawser from Australia shared this word this morning and it so fits with our spiritual and practical applications of setting the captives free for the glory of the Lord.  Luke 4:18 AMPC " The Spirit of the Lord [is] upon M

We Were Set Free From Sex Trafficking! Help Us Set More Captives Free!

New Light Nepal has a real impact at educating and training young people how to avoid being trafficking victims. Bhuvan and his wife Sunari founded New Light Nepal to raise awareness about human trafficking in villages and schools across Nepal. They organize one-day anti-trafficking programs, offer three-month MAT (Mothers Against Trafficking) classes,  and hold a Pro-life Program in East Nepal. Abortions are increasing, so educating women and young girls is a high priority for the ministry as well.  Pray and ask the Lord what He says if you are to support this important ministry and CMM friends. The classes they lead educate communities on how traffickers deceive families with false promises of jobs, marriage, or money for their daughters, only to sell them into slavery and prostitution in other countries. Tragically, there are also cases where fathers sell their daughters in exchange for alcohol, as girls are often undervalued in these co

Girls of Joy: Rescued Women Need Housing-Facing Re-enslavement, and Getting Death Threats!

 Girls of Joy: Rescued Women in Need of Housing and Facing Re-enslavement, and Getting Death Threats! Just imagine the terror of being freed from being a sex slave and now in hiding in a safe house, receiving death threats!  You can make a difference! 25 women have been rescued from trafficked and enslaved lives, yet due to a recent natural disaster, their lives are in danger in a S. Asian nation. They are in dire need of housing yet must remain in hiding due to immense persecution and need your prayers and help to pay for new housing. Help support these women and save them from the enemy’s hand.  Thank you for your prayers and urgent support of these Girls of Joy, a name prophetic for their future state. Right now, their case is quite the opposite due to immense persecution and the possible threat of execution.  Pray and ask the Lord what He wants.  Click this link to donate and save lives: Saved From The Evil Slave Owners Girls of Joy wer

Help Yohana Mayiku in Tanzania Reach More Rural, Tribal Areas-Glory Revival Fires Spreading

     Rev. Yohana Mayiku and the People of Sakwe, Tanzania  Rev. Yohana Mayiku and his wife, Esther, could not resist God's calling to serve the people of Africa. Moved by the Holy Spirit, they have dedicated their lives to spreading the Word of God throughout Tanzania and beyond, raising a movement to send native missionaries across Africa. Yohana has traveled extensively, speaking at pastors' conferences, seminars, and churches, inspiring hundreds of thousands to establish a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and a deeper walk with the Lord. His ministry is deeply engaged in outreach programs, including work with street children in Tanzania and East Africa, feeding programs, and providing clean water to communities. They provide food, clothing, shelter, and spiritual training to hundreds throughout the country, offering hope and transformation in the name of Christ. Vision for Building a Church in Sakwe In October 2023, Rev. Yohana Mayiku felt a strong calling from God to

October-Prophecy, Courage, Truth, Surrendered Lives Beyond Self!

  Greetings,  Giant Slayers,                                                  October 3, 2024 In the midst of all the WOWs we choose to remember who the Lord says we are, knowing there is that still, quiet place in His presence.   Psalm 16:11 " You will show me the   path of life; In Your presence  is  fullness of joy; At Your right hand  are  pleasures forevermore. " Prophetic Word for October I see the Lord healing the prophets. As many are shaken, the Lord is rattling the cages and shaking loose the chaff and flesh of the 'dry bones' valleys. I hear the sound of prison doors opening as worship arises from the brokenhearted.  As the watchmen/women on the walls declare and decree what they see the leaders doing, great hope arises from the ashes, and new-day beginnings open the threshold of His door of holiness and humility, and truth shines brighter.  Isaiah 60 and Ezekiel 8, fresh revelatory encounters abound to those with eyes and ears focused on Abba's new son

Jachin Charley Scott's Brother Martyred, Yet, He and These Pastors Press On In Jesus' Name To Reach The Lost! Fighting Idolatry and Witchcraft Daily!

  Dear Praying Saints and Warriors of oor Lord,     Imagine your wife and children being threatened by anti-Christian fanatics while you are out evangelizing!   Jachin's brother Boaz was martyred in his own living room in front of his family.  These heroes of the faith have encountered the love of God in powerful, undeniable ways. The Lord is unstoppable in this great harvest.  Jachin and his pastors are committed to showing the love of Christ to many idol worshipers and many involved in all types of witchcraft.    We have known Jachin and his family for almost 15 years and visited several times with CMM teams in crusades and healing miracle services and seen much fruit.   Jachin shares his heart below:  Greetings to you in the most precious name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Brother, we are all fine and doing well with the grace and love of God and your continued prayers.  Brother, I would like to share about Pastor Pratap, who is very close to my heart, and now he is fac

September 2024 CMM Ordained Ministers-Prophecy, Encouragement, Tenacious Faith and Hope!

  Greetings Humble Warriors, Rom. 8:22 "We know that the whole creation [of irrational creatures] has been moaning together in the pains of labor until now."                                               WORD FOR SEPTEMBER 2024 The holy fire of our Lord is burning to purify and prepare His Bride, remnant, and ecclesia warriors. You will see suddenlies burst forth as you keep your hearts tender and pure in seeking, hungering, desperately surrendered, and yielded in humility and holiness moment by moment.  In September , be aware of, attuned to, and vigilant to see:  " Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity;  but toward you,  goodness,  if you continue in  His  goodness.   Otherwise ,   you also will be cut off. " Rom. 11:22 This year has seen much exposure of sin in churches.  The first thing I think of when I hear of a leader falling into sin is  self-examination , asking  the Lord ,  'Is there anything in my life, Lord,