
The Uncompromising Blissful Extravagance of His Presence! Inbox

  Dear Mighty One, I see the Lord's eye upon us we discover by revelation the 'new thing' He is doing in our lives and of those of us who, beyond the present darkness, gaze into His eyes. The 'tuning fork' of Yahweh is orchestrating the sons and daughters of our living God in growing holy remnant unity to withstand as we stand with Him fearlessly in the boldness of the faith of God in this hour. Egypt is behind us, and the covenantal promises and prophetic words we have received (1 Tim. 1:18) empower us by His Holy Spirit to advance in warfare, humbly growing in the spirit of wisdom and revelation.  Yesterday as I encouraged some friends, I said, 'stay in the blissful extravagance of His presence.'  Today I saw in Psalm 34 His eyes are upon us in vs. 8 & 9 and v:15 about the 'uncompromisingly righteous.'   We are to be holy as He is holy. That leaves no room for any more compromise or seeking to please man or the traditions of men, being free of

Chuck Pierce Shares A Powerful Word from Penny Jackson

  Before the service on Sunday, the Spirit of God met with Penny Jackson. As He began to visit with her, she began to write what the Lord was saying. Reading through this incredible word, I saw it like an encounter experienced by the prophet Daniel. I divided the word into the way Daniel prayed: morning, noon, and night. I want to encourage you to read this word in three sections: Part 1 (morning), Part 2 (noon), and Part 3 (evening/night). Part 1: Morning “A timing is coming. A timing is approaching. It’s not long now. You feel it hovering. Be on alert. This will take your complete focus. I will speak in many ways. I will reveal in many ways. Before you do a thing, ask if I want you to be there…emotionally, spiritually, literally. I told you a long time ago that there would be a time when it would be dangerous to be where you were not to be. This is it. I told you that you would be able to hear My voice clearly for instructions. This is it. Don’t dare to do a thing unless I am s

Why Give to the Poor? How to Unlock Your Blessing Amidst the Chaos

  Why Give to the Poor? How to Unlock Your Blessing Amidst the Chaos (All Scriptures NKJV) By Jorge Parrott During the last few years, we all have seen too much chaos and control globally. The Lord warns us to not be deceived. We, as followers of Jesus, believe the Word and Psalm 91 as sons of God, through every crisis the world faces, we are safe under His wings. We have all heard many recommendations, some conflicting, some even dangerous and fake, on how to protect ourselves. We each to know the voice of our Shepherd and obey. Rampant tyranny increases by many governments and health officials, at times, driven by greed or evil, spout advice counter to what aligns with the truth found in the Word. Jesus is the Word. Let us look at what the Bible says about giving to the poor to unlock his blessings and abundance in good times and bad.  Jesus did not come to earth to take your money and give

Special Feature of One of Many Orphanages YOUR CMM Global Family Supports to IMPACT Young Lives for all ETERNITY

Dear CMM Partners and Friends, In this issue, we want to feature our long-term friend and CMM Members, Tahir and Saima Saleem of RCCM in Pakistan. Tahir leads hundreds of churches in Pakistan, several in Germany, and in Dubai and UAE.  He and his wife and precious family are trustworthy, faithful, and so fruitful. Please read and view these precious faces and pray about sending in a gift as the Lord leads to today.    ``When you beat your olive tree, you shall not go over the boughs again. It shall be for the alien, for the orphan, and for the widow``.......   When you beat your olive tree, you shall not go over the boughs again.  It shall be for the alien, for the orphan, and for the widow. Deut. 24:20 because I delivered the poor who cried for help, and the fatherless who had none to help him. Job 29:12 Leave your fatherless children; I will keep them alive; and let your widows trust in me. Jer 49:11 He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow,