
Jachin Charley Scott's Brother Martyred, Yet, He and These Pastors Press On In Jesus' Name To Reach The Lost! Fighting Idolatry and Witchcraft Daily!

  Dear Praying Saints and Warriors of oor Lord,     Imagine your wife and children being threatened by anti-Christian fanatics while you are out evangelizing!   Jachin's brother Boaz was martyred in his own living room in front of his family.  These heroes of the faith have encountered the love of God in powerful, undeniable ways. The Lord is unstoppable in this great harvest.  Jachin and his pastors are committed to showing the love of Christ to many idol worshipers and many involved in all types of witchcraft.    We have known Jachin and his family for almost 15 years and visited several times with CMM teams in crusades and healing miracle services and seen much fruit.   Jachin shares his heart below:  Greetings to you in the most precious name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Brother, we are all fine and doing well with the grace and love of God and your continued prayers.  Brother, I would like to share about Pastor Pratap, who is very close to my heart, and now he is fac

September 2024 CMM Ordained Ministers-Prophecy, Encouragement, Tenacious Faith and Hope!

  Greetings Humble Warriors, Rom. 8:22 "We know that the whole creation [of irrational creatures] has been moaning together in the pains of labor until now."                                               WORD FOR SEPTEMBER 2024 The holy fire of our Lord is burning to purify and prepare His Bride, remnant, and ecclesia warriors. You will see suddenlies burst forth as you keep your hearts tender and pure in seeking, hungering, desperately surrendered, and yielded in humility and holiness moment by moment.  In September , be aware of, attuned to, and vigilant to see:  " Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity;  but toward you,  goodness,  if you continue in  His  goodness.   Otherwise ,   you also will be cut off. " Rom. 11:22 This year has seen much exposure of sin in churches.  The first thing I think of when I hear of a leader falling into sin is  self-examination , asking  the Lord ,  'Is there anything in my life, Lord,

Miracle Healing of Deaf Man in India! by Chris Chaney

 Miracle Healing of Deaf Man in India!  By Chris Chaney of CMM After already preaching to several villages today, Pastor Joy asked me if I was willing to preach to a group that would assemble in the middle of the jungle—an impromptu gathering to avoid detection and persecution. I told her I had come to work, not to rest. I would rest later. So she called her people and set up the meeting. It was supposed to be an hour or a bit more before we got there. We set out just after 5 p.m. and drove north by 7 p.m. I asked if we were almost there? No, there is more to go, I was told. The road was bumpy and full of turns. It was hot and muggy, and the trip went on. Around 9:20, we pulled into a field and stopped. We were there. It was dark by now, but the event organizers had bright flood lights to illuminate the area where we would have the service.  I was tired. My cough, although only a remnant from 2 weeks prior, decided to make a robust comeback. The air was heavy, and it was getting more s

Joining With The Lord in this New Season! Costa Rica Update and Meet Our Exciting All-New Faculty of CMM College of Theology

Greetings, Warriors and Friends of the Lord,     We pray you are super blessed and enjoying your summer with family and friends. What an amazing time to join with our Lord! You were created for this time and season. Warriors in His ecclesia, His remnant, His Bride are awakening and arising to glow in the dark across the earth! Exodus 15:3 MSG  "I’m singing my heart out to God—what a victory! He pitched horse and rider into the sea. God is my strength, God is my song, and, yes! God is my salvation. This is the kind of God I have and I’m telling the world! This is the God of my father— I’m spreading the news far and wide! God is a fighter, pure God, through and through." Costa Rica Trip Update I was so blessed to travel to Costa Rica with CMM Ordained Ministers David and Michelle Bates leading this team. They had been many times, strengthening strong relationships with Pastor Francisco, their son Andreas, and their wives, who are hungry for the prophetic

In Eternity's Embrace, Earth's Tremors Hold No Power Over Us

  View this email in your browser CMM.World                                    July 12, 2024 The Fields Are White Unto Harvest!  'We are forever thankful for believing the way the Lord created us to believe! We choose to focus on His Love, Presence, and Wisdom of the Holy Spirit. We keep our eyes on Him, not the enemy.' Jorge Parrott. Appreciation of the Mystery Ephesians 3:14-21 14  For this reason I bow my knees to the Father  [ f ] of our Lord Jesus Christ,  15  from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,  16  that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man,  17  that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love,  18  may be able to comprehend with all the saints what  is  the width and length and depth and height—  19  to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. 20  Now to Him