From Hawaii To Nicaragua--Pennsylvania to Mozambique--Revival Fires and Waves Of Glory Spread!


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From Hawaii To Nicaragua--Pennsylvania to Mozambique--Revival Fires and Waves Of Glory Spread!
Earl Thurner and CMM Staff
Jun 3, 2008

Greetings Precious Saint of God,

You are loved with an everlasting love!
Psalm 2:8, Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance.

Today, we have two reports: one from Alissa Cooper, one of our new CMM missionaries. Alissa left last Friday for a summer of training with IRIS Ministries in Mozambique, ( with Rolland Heidi Baker. Alissa's vision is to build an orphanage in Uganda. She left her school teaching job in Clarion, PA to answer the call of God. Her website is:
Alissa is 27 years old and really on fire for God. God is raising up an army of young people (of all ages) to obey His heart to reach the nations and reach our own neighborhoods.

Another young man, Todd Post, recently spent three weeks with us here at the CMM office and led 100 people to the Lord on the streets of Charlotte. The hunger for God is indeed increasing in America.

The second report is from Earl Thurner, a friend of CMM missionary Edualdo and Aline Cicero, of Tahiti, who joined CMM last year. Earl is passionate and brings healings of many hearts where ever God sends him.

Be encouraged.
CMM staff.
Hola from Nicaragua!!

     I arrived in torrential rains from a hurricane hitting Nicaragua elsewhere and a week of thunderstorms is predicted but right now the sun is shining as I sit in a cyber place downtown Dario. This is my first update on this trip to Nicaragua and God is beginning to draw near as the people are enveloped in adoration and hunger for transformation.  The preciousness of HIs nearness and the passion to know God is starting to grip the leadership here at King of Kings.  As God brought Ezekiel the prophet to face the direction of His coming glory in Ezekiel 43, as I, along with the others focus and lean into from our will and hearts the personal quest for all of God now, all of us are being seized by a thirst for the manifest presence of God alone in our lives and ministries.

     We will be all be meeting today before the School of Supernatural Ministry meets tonight to surrender to the Holy Spirit the direction of the ministry here in Nicaragua for genuine revival and the transformation of ourselves, church, ministries, structure, the city, the region, the nation and the world.

     We are aware that we need to be positioned for what is beginning to happen to see it have the favor and mind of God and be perpetuated at all costs.  We now have 4 church plants.  El Bordo and Prado from last trip and now one in Managua and Bacacan.  I visited Bacacan on Saturday night, that is another story but the story of Managua King of Kings is truly astonishing in the power of God to restore.

     I have some wonderful testimonies of miracles my students told me, one of a man who was shot in the head and the bullet still there.  He was paralyzed in the right upper part of his body and could not move or lift his right arm.  After prayer the man came to the front and testified, moving his arm all around, the bullet still in his head.  Just last week, the 14 year old student you saw in the slide show was visiting someone in the hospital and saw a man there who also had paralysis on one side, offered to pray for him and he was healed right there.  So we have so many wonderful stories and I will do another update on them, the visitation upon the leaders here, the glory of God drawing near in the services, just some wonderful acts of  generosity that touched people so deeply and more but I just want to tell the story of the Escobar family.

                   Beauty for Ashes
In those days the evangelist would travel alone 7 hours by horseback to visit a village and preach the gospel.  Across streams and up mountains to share the story of Jesus Christ.  Sometimes no one would listen and he would have to sleep wherever he could before moving on.  His wife and children were behind having to believe God for their provision.  Sometimes his family would go and there were times a village would not give them a cup of water as they were opposed to his message and even deny them a place to sleep in the pouring down rains.

    In one village they had a service from 10 in the
morning till 3 in the afternoon.  The mosquitoes were everywhere, the blood sucking kind.  He told me that after the service, there were dead mosquitoes piled high all over the floor.  They had bitten the people, drank so much blood, that they overdosed and died.  He laughed as he talked about walking on them and the blood splattering everywhere and staining the ground with blood footprints. 

     You know, I was transparent before this trip about the struggle I had in coming, the physical attack, landing with hardly anything and not being able to bless these pastors and give to what is happening here.  I was a little upset at the response because it is so easy to do something, not just pray, that isn´t real prayer without trying to do something.  As I listened to that man, I was so encouraged, so filled with a passion to give myself to God and stop whining even though I also take risks and endured hardships but you know what I mean, I am just being transparent. 

     I listened to story after story.  I asked him, ¨did any of your family go with you?

He pointed to Alvaro, who as a little boy would travel with his dad and experience all this.  He would see great things but he would also see his dad persecuted, his dad maligned, rejected, the financial struggles, the hardships and his dad eventually fall into a depression and no longer be in the ministry.  The boy saw all of this and when I met Alvaro I saw the pain of his heart for his mom and dad and family.  His dad was one of the most famous evangelists in all of Nicaragua but not even in church or serving God now.  He had been wounded. 

     In March I met this same man briefly as Alvaro lives right across the street.  I spent the night in his dads home and before leaving I walked up to him and said, "I honor you, it is a privilege for me to meet you, you still are a man of God.  I want you to know the the Holy Spirit is going to come upon you and restore everything that was lost in your life and the best is yet to come.  God loves you and understands and is jealous for the Escobar family and He is going to come to you, your wife, and this whole family and you will preach again and it will not be like it was before".  He just stared and nodded. Ashes........but not anymore.

     It began in the rains as I went down an alley to pick up some equipment.  Alvaro and his wife had started a church in their home in Managua.  Every thursday night.  Alvaro and his wife had also had their dreams crushed and they had been wounded by religion and pastors, not aftef God´s heart, at least for them.  He was a 26 year old evangelist and we had travelled together my last 2 trips.  He shared his dreams one day and one of them was to start a church and now with Pastor Harry and I, he had done so.  We were going to the home of a man, who had travelled to evangelize with Alvaros dad.  That man also had a son and he and Alvaro saw both their dads hurt and no longer in the ministry.  The boys used to dream of the things they wanted to do for God and wanted their dads and moms close to God again.

     When Alvaro started the church, this young man came and now was playing the keyboard, an incredible talent.  His father was behind a window.  I told Alvaro to get for me and bring him to the truck.  Outside in the rain I again spoke honor and appreciation for his labors in God into blank eyes.  I poured out my heart and God´s and prophesied over him and declared he would again preach and this time it would be different.  He began to cry softly.  I hugged him and held him and then smiled and said you will win.  His son was nearby.

     That night I saw a man walking down the street to Alvaros home. It was this man.  He  came for the first time and sat in a service and saw the power of God.  He saw his son at the keyboard.  He saw Alvaro and his wife pastoring.  He saw his friend, Alvaros father at the window.  He saw Alvaros mom receive prayer and the power of God descend upon her and for the first time in 12 years pray out in tongues so violently and loudly, from the depths of her spirit and she could not stop.  We all watched as the minutes went by in a torrent of a heavenly language and this is not a woman who says much, and most of the people in the service were not Christians.!!

     He saw as Alvaro´s mother in law was ministering everywhere, she had personally brought over 20 people to the service.  He watched as Alvaros children worshipped, as Escobars and friends were together fellowshipping in Jesus Christ.

     Beauty for Ashes, restoring the years the locusts had eaten. How great is our God!!
There were nearly 80 people crammed into a concrete space in the front of a house, waters everywhere, the rains coming down.

     God began to release words of knowledge and people stunned by the revelation of their lives began to be saved.  The presence of God began to be felt and one by one they testified of how God was becoming real to them.

     A woman in severe stomach pain from diabetes came forward.  She was dramatically touched by His healing power.  She felt so wonderful and her countenance was radiant.  Of course, she needs to have it verified but the touch of heaven was declared in her testimony.

     Two chairs away from her was another pregnant young woman.  She had asthma so bad and lung condition that she could not take a deep breath and it hurt when she did.  We prayed for her and she sat down.  We asked if she was better, 10%, 25%, how much.  She said, oh, 100%!  And began to breathe deep in and out. 

     This was after we dedicated a baby to the Lord.  The baby was the child of Alvaros sister who had been backslidden! As we prayed for her, she collapsed to the floor, demons began to manifest and she was delivered inside of a few minutes and testifed later. 

     While this was going on, there was a young man standing at the entrance of the house watching but would not come in.  Suddenly, the woman who was prayed for with diabetes came up and took the mike and began telling everyone how good God is and how he blessed her by healing her, and the girl with the asthma was her daughter-in-law!!

     The young man at the entrance was her son who had left the family 2 months ago and he was at church tonight and had returned.  I was beside myself.  Pastor Harry went to talk to him and I watched as one of his daughters, put her head on his stomach, crying, as she had not seen her daddy for 2 months.  After service as they walked down the street, hand in hand, a family of 5, I gave him what I had in my wallet.

     I spent the night at the home of Alvaros parents and spent the morning, with Alvaro, his sister, mom and dad and I could see the thankfulness and love and joy in Alvaros eyes when he looked at me.  Even as the Father sent Jesus, He sends us, you and me, into the lives of others to see their dreams and destinies come to pass!!

I thank those that have expressed their love these last couple of days.  I have been able to fund all the pastors and a few others and meet the daily needs in benevolence. I have some beautiful stories.  I have been crying throughout writing this, I just want to love, I just have to see more of this all the time, I just have to.

     We are standing at the brink of a mighty outpouring but revival is always the face of the one in front of you.  This week we will be in a number of cities, large churches also, bringing as many students as we can as I could only rent one truck.  We will be establishing our network of churches and developing the structure to facillitate and personalize the outpouring of God.

     We will be coming, Jana and I, on June 30 for a month.  Some of our kids will be coming in mid July also.

     So obviously I need more funds here on this trip, we are still finishing the building in Prado, want to start another, looking for transportation for ongoing weekly evangelism and pastoral visitation.  This is a lot easier that 7 hours on horseback.

     My, I am in love with God today, I am so happy to live in this gospel.  I am so glad to meet some leaders that are wanting to go all in, I am so happy to live looking for lost coins, they are everywhere to be found, the treasures of the King.  Oh, consume from the inside out with you, oh God, pierce my heart with a love that is like yours.......

                                           brother earl

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