When Heaven Comes Down by Earl Thurner

From our friends Earl and Jana Thurner, now in Nicaragua, sharing the Father's Heart. They were introduced to us by CMM missionaries Edualdo and Aline Cicero, who work in the islands of French Polynesia and live in Tahiti.

The Spirit of God is moving all around the world. What is it you need today? Where sin abounds, grace does abound more! What a time to go after God. We encourage you this day to surrender your life to the Lord and ask Him to show you His purposes and desire for your life. 

If you are led to sow into Earl and Jana's ministry mail in your gift to CMM and designate for them, by mailing your check to CMM PO 7705 Charlotte, NC 28241. Donate securely online at http://cmmissions.net/donate.htm

The Wonder of It All!

     I am waking up in the mountain town of Matagalpa and my son and Amber, my daughter and Alex and the 3 kids are sleeping.  My wife is up and as usual just worshipping.  On Saturday morning Jed and Amber came and caught the meetings in the afternoon and afterwards, while the Kamps came in Saturday night and came to the meetings Sunday morning in Masaya and later in the day in Dario.  It is a stunning thing to see your kids preaching under the power of God, weeping before the Nicaraguans, healing the sick and liberating the oppressed and sitting down with national youth leaders planning the outpouring on a generation this week and in the months to come.

     My son Jedidiah came to his first meeting and while sitting in the chair during worship began coming apart as heaven opened over him and invaded him, literally invaded him and he had never, never experienced the love of God for people like that.  He has been weeping everyday, just comes apart, weeping under a visitation of God. 

     I watched as his wife Amber and Jana along with the 23 year old national commissioning minster of the missionaries of the assemblies of God healed the sick on the platform.  This gal, Sherling, was taken to heaven last week during one of our meetings and came back blazing with a vision of revival for the nation.  She has come into the revelation of the gospel of the kingdom and says that she will not send out one Assemblies of God missionary again till they understand, live and demonstrate the gospel of the kingdom.  The AOG are 1500 strong in this nation, the largest denomination.  When you come to serve and have no interest in your own agenda, and we don´t, you can serve with the power of God to locate and release far beyond what you influence the other way.  Our kids are sitting down and meeting those that will rock the nation.  We already are working towards 50,000 youth and young adults in November with these leaders and we are of them because we have decided to pour out our lives, time and money into them.

     I listened later to the testimonies of the ones that Jana and Amber prayed for.  Amber had just got off the plane and had thrown up too.  These people had walked 2 hours or more to attend the meeting, over 500 were in that one.

     -a boy who was dragging his foot while walking was healed and walked normally

     -a woman with some sort of disease tor 13 years, like the multiple sclerosis or something, it was bad, always in pain, was completely healed and her testimony rocked the place.

     -some lady with tumors had them dissolve on the platform

     -a number of elderly woman were healed of crippling arthritis

     -a young man with a heart problem who said he lived with pain in his heart was instantly healed, all pain leaving

     -many women with complications from childbirth were healed

     -a man with pain in his eyes, people with spinal problems were touching their toes, some brought their children with fever or vomiiting and they were healed on the spot

     -many with stomach disorders healed

  One time at another meeting and some of these above were throughout the weekend, Pastor Harry asked how many were healed and hands went up all over the place.

     Of course, the Spirit of God just descends and we have many pictures I think of the cry of the hearts of so many and the touch of heaven as a result.

     Pastors came and I called them up and we laid hands on them, prophesied and they came apart under the anointing of God.

     We had our Dario School of Supernatural Students with us on Saturday and they went throughout the place declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and destroying the workds of the devil.  It always shocks people to see teenagers with us and women naturally moving in miracle power.  It is the normal christian life, this supernatural life, no big deal.


     The day before the Saturday meetings I was told that there were maybe 70 other people from Dario, including our students who wanted to come to Masaya,  Others from other villages wanted to come and to do so they would have to rent a bus, quite costly.  I did not have the money.  I had sent our tons of emails and no response except one brother who was trying to ge 50 bucks to me  Then I was told later in the day that more people were coming and we needed to feed them.  We already had given $500 to cook the food for those that were coming.

     I remember the look on Pastor Harrys face when he asked me because he knew I had spent everything already.  What would you do?

     I thought to myself, is it worth it?  I said yes, it is a no brainer actually.  Two brothers sacrificed, love always finds a way to do something and I wept when I saw that bus pull in, I just turned around to a wall and wept.  To see those faces, after a 2 plus hour drive, coming from villages to even start it, it was just too much. 

     And I wept when I saw the people walking hours to get to the meetings and stand in a long line as we fed them all, with food left over.  I wept when I saw Jed and Amber flowing in the love of God, embracing and holding the people in their arms.  I wept when I saw my daughter Jobyna preaching the value of the Nicaraguan people, and declaring their freedom and Amber dancing with the children, the young man around my son Jed.  I nodded my head when Alex preached on the new sound in the earth yesterday morning. 

     I bowed my head when my grandson Davon Moses laid his hands on the eyes of a young girl who just wanted to see Jesus and she was weeping convulsively last night.  I grinned when I saw my grandson Antonio was playing with the Nicaraguan boys and communicating through sign language. 

     I think it was worth saying yes.  I think it is worth it to make you aware of your need and mine to do something to shape history.

                            This Week

     There were many more miracles and testimonies, people coming to God and lives being transformed.  People having heavenly visitations and seeing the unseen.

     We are seeing the comning together of an alliance of young men and women, national leaders among the young, and that is really an amazing thing.  They want this message, this life, this school, this fire and demonstration they are witnessing while with us.  These young leaders stay at our house and hang with our kids and that is the phenomenal thing.  Last night at a restaurant, sharing, dreaming, planning, the revolution of the Holy Spirit to affect the nation and all Latin America.  They are all in.

     Jana and I step aside.  Of course, we can minister but it is time to release them.  Our kids will be doing the preaching and ministry all week long, and flow with our team of pastors who preach and already flow in power, all of them 30 or younger.

     -on Wednesday, Jed will be the main speaker at our School of Supernatural Ministry In Dario..Alex will probably teach and maybe the gals too, it is their night

     -on Thursday, the kids will be ministering at what they call a youth congress, a gathering of hundreds of youth up in Matagalpa with Israel Rosales, the one helping to co-ordinate the 50,000 young adult gathering in November.  He was rocked by God in a meeting we had, I told you about him

     -On Friday, Jed is speaking and the others are ministering at a youth concert in Managua with Pastor Juan Jose Escobar

     -On Saturday, it is the youth congress in Managua......minimum of 600 people, we could have had more but we are paying for the food, the transportation, maybe 11 buses and all the other expenses to see an outpouring upon the young.  Sherling, Israel, and other youth pastors will be there.

          They will work side by side with our kids who are the featured speakers and ministers so to speak.

     -Saturday night-  the kids are going to another church in Managua to preach

     -Sunday morning....we will all be up early to drive nearly 3 hours to feed a village of 500, the whole village and minister to them. We have planted a church there and I would love to buy the rest of the baseball equipment, I bought some months ago, and have a huge baseball game.  We want to build a kitchen in that village in a small home, so we can feed monthy.  We are also looking into electricity and water they do not have.

     Things happen all week and there we have some other services that we could do, a radio spot, stuff like that, we will see.


     I invite you to weep with me.  I really do.  I encourage the families of these kids to step and start to support them in truth. 

     Saturday was the celebration of the revolution and the Sandinista victory.  Hugo Chavez,the president of Venezuela, the FARC of Columbia, President Manuel Ortega, an embracer of Iran and his wife who is a practising witch who actually held a national witchcraft congress, all celebrated and glorified the devil.

     So an antichrist atheistic godless, USA hating and Jezebel spirit rules this nation so of course, I can always say that we and you are being battled by principalities and powers who are hindering you and us from doing what God wants.  So greater are they than who lives in us.  Greater is fear than faith that works by love.  Baloney!

     That felt good, haven´t used that word in years.  Witchcraft is scared to death of the christ of God and those who are willing to demonstrate real love with real power and let the Holy Spirit be free in the land.  Witchcraft plants suspicians and thoughts about those like us and others, cripples generosity and overwhelms with

every reason in the book why not to smash it right in the face with brazen bold acts of faith.

     There is a new breed of believer, a real believer actually,who is breathing destiny and releasing it everywhere, loving not their lives unto death. 

     This morning the needs are there once again. Oh my brother, if you only had more than enough.  I do, I have God and there will be others, maybe you, who will stand with me and weep when the buses roll in, when the village gets fed, as the miracles flow, as a legacy of children and grandchildren begins to form and young everywhere in this nation are awakened to their destinies.  

     When people see fathers and mothers with sons and daughters and their spouses and children standing on a platform, going throughout the crowds and embracing as a family the broken and hurting.  A sight rarely seen.  I ask none of them to be in our ministry by the way, I have no agenda in fulfilling prophetic words over our lives and theirs through my agenda.  I want what is best for them, I just try to do what God wants, His way, that is all I care about.

     Maybe a bit too long, but try one on me if you want, you always get a reply, you are valuable, chosen, a heavenly being called to leave an imprint of His love on this planet.  We bless you and deeply appreciate those that just love to take risks to see heaven explode with joy because you stepped out, seeking to lose your life and not save it, holding nothing back like Abraham because you love God and yearn to love others....

             Another Day To Live From His Heart

                    earl and jana and the families



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