A Great Deliverance in India, from Jai and Yori


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 blessings, Jorge Parrott

Dr.Jorge and CMM Family,
    I am really so happy to tell you that one of the hindu men namely 'Hari' was drunkard. He used to beat his wife and children everyday. His sister comes to our LLM Church for worship  services.

   Six months back, Hari's sister shared  a prayer request with us in one of friday fasting prayers about her brother problem. We all prayed for his delieverace from the drug-demons and having peace with his family.

    After six months of prayer, God has answered all our prayers. Today, this morning the brother came to me and asked to me pray for his delieverace. Praise God.

   Today I shared the Gospel and prayed for his delieverace. Now, he has been delievered and accepted Jesus as his personal savior. Praise God!!!!

    We are so happy about this delieverace of testimony. Praise God for answering all our pryaers even after six months of prayer.

    I would encourage and believe that God will never forget all our prayers. He answers in due time according to His will. Amen.

   Thank you so much for all your prayers for this ministry.

   We have been living and running by Faith and Prayer. We do not have enough supporters to help or support the all the ministries(church planting, orphanage, compassionate ministry,evangelism, and children ministry).

   We have a longest desire to reach out many souls with God-given call and committiment. But our enemy has been attacking us at the area of FINANCIAL AREA. But God has been good till today.

    We have been praying for a regular financial supporters for the minstry needs. We do not want more that we need for the ministry.

    We are so thankful to you for all your prayers and support. You have been praying for us and the work of God and blessing us. Thank you so much.
    Please continue to pray and stand with us. We love you.

      HOpe to hear from you. Thanks.
         in His field,

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