India Rainy Season: Snakes, Scorpions, Bugs, coming in homes...


Dr.Jorge and CMM family,

     Greetings to you and all the CMM family in Jesus' name:

   Really, God's protection is so enormous over our family and the orphanage.
   God is so good and faithful.

     Last night, two scorpios and one weird animal came into the our house. One of our orphanage boys namely 'Raju' was escaped from a big-scorpio  biting while he was in the bathroom in last night.

    For last two days many snakes and insects and reptiles are coming into our house court-yard and inside of the house.
    Three of my little children and my wife,Yori are living in fear now. There are so many bushes arround our house. Moreover the rainy season has been started now. That is why many insects,snakes and reptile are coming in.

     God has been so good and faithful till today. There is no any harm nor danger. God really has been protecting us everyday.
   Most of the times, we have electricity problem. It would be so dark arround. We do not have any generator.

   In spite of all these challenges, we are so much praising God for His protection and faithfulness in our family and the ministry.
           Thank you so much for all your prayers for us and the work of God here. That is why we are being protected by God.

    Please continue extend your prayers and support. So that we will continue to reach many more souls in these last days.
         Thank you so much once again.

   PLease give our regards to sister Teresa and Gabriel. We have been praying for you and your family.
            With a lots of love and prayers,


Urgent prayer request:
     We are being very much pressurized the trucks-owners and laborers for the ground work mud/soil. We have to pay $500 for the soil/mud filling over the land for the church building  construction.
   They are disturbing us so much.
  We trust God and keep praying for needed funds. So that we will have a peace of mind with these people. Please continue to pray and stand with us.
       2. Our orphanage 6 boys, don't have any school dress, nor shoes, books. They are so much sad for their condition now. But I encourage them with the word of God and  keep praying for their needs.
      3. On coming Monday(6th of July), our LLM Gospel Team is going to conduct an open air meeting among strong Hindu community. We need 100 Bibles and good transportation for this outreach. We have to buy the Bibles ($200) and we have to hire a taxi go the village.
  Please pray and stand with us. If anybody wants help out this outreach will be a great blessing for the Gospel Team. Thanks.

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