The Future of the Rising Asian Global Impact by Jorge Parrott

The Future of the Rising Asian Global Impact by Jorge Parrott

The Church must adapt. The Message is the same, but our delivery is rejected if the recipient does not accept our package. Change is rapidly leaving the western church in the dust. The Lord is sending a wake up call to America and western thought to see and understand the forces of change, some good, some bad, yet all are influencing our effectiveness.  The work of the Father is to believe. May we believe the way God desires us to believe. 

If we want to obey His call to change the world, we must "study to show ourselves approved" in surprising and 'mind blowing' new ways.  A picture comes to mind of a 1950's business man walking up to a bank door to go in and make a withdrawal and an electronic card reader's sign says to 'insert your ATM card to gain access', and he does not even know what an ATM card is, let alone how to use it. He rattles the door to the amusement of the new multi-cultural staff inside who do not know what he wants. They sit on his funds until our 'past' oriented friend understands how to unlock the door.

We will quickly become 'obsolete' as nation changers if we do not know how to discern the times.  While not compromising the Gospel, we must see that clinging to our past 'peak' God encounters won't gain us much favor with a world that sees us as irrelevant relics of a bygone era, similar to sweet Amish folks in their horse and buggy dropping off their children at the airport to jet away and never return.

Technology can be a tool for the Great Commission but we must understand how to use its keys, its economy, and 'language' to communicate with the future. A prophetic vision allows us to see ahead of the current times and now we must challenge ourselves, by faith, to see the rapidly changing world economic scene with prophetic vision.

I will share some recent statistics from Asian markets so you, with prophetic insight and gifting, can pray strategically about a future that we may or may not like or understand, but one which we must engage in and see with clarity and ask the Lord how do we stay aligned with His heart and move forward, taking the Land for the Kingdom. Get ready! Holy adaptation is entering the prophetic economy of the Kingdom.  Just as Abraham left the Ur of Chaldees, obeying the Lord to enter a strange new land, by faith, so too, are we being asked to step out into a new economic landscape with prophetic insight and wisdom that unlocks the doors of nations, governments, and business.

The Global Middle Class

In the November issue of Asian Tigers magazine, Dr. Bernardo Villegas writes of the explosion of the 'global middle class'.  1.7 billion people today are considered to be middle class, making between $6,000. and $30,000. adjusted for PPP (purchasing power parities, a measure that is accepted globally for adjusted nations comparisons). This figure is likely to grow to 3.6 billion by 2030. As much as 85% of this global middle class will live in the BRIC and N-11 countries. BRIC is Brazil, Russia, India, and China. N-11 is the Next 11, includes S. Korea, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines, Turkey, and Vietnam. Consumer oriented enterprises know the middle class is the most fertile market and modern technology makes affordable and available.

In China nearly 60 percent will be considered middle class by 2015, while Brazil's share will equal 52 percent. In Russia, 20 percent will have incomes above $30,000 by 2015. Growth rates in India and Vietnam average almost 20% per year, Indonesia 10%. Out of the 14 nations that will dominate the global economy, according to Villegas, 80% will be in Asia. Villegas calls the 21st century the "Asian Century".

Next, we move to Michael Wilson's article stating that the world's three largest banks are Chinese banks. These three Chinese banks are about three times the average value of the next 15 largest banks in the world. In 1999 eleven of the world's top twenty banks were American. In 2009, only three make the top twenty. What has happened?

Of course, the Chinese government lifted $3 trillion of bad loans between 1999 and 2003 from the big banks, so that potentially is a time bomb waiting to explode. Massive revaluations or new currency risk is very real and not just in the US. God's grace indeed holds everything in its place. This fragile life, the economies and kingdoms of this world, and every precious breath, and all of creation is groaning for the Lord. 

The Depreciating Dollar-What The Big Picture Looks Like

The US national debt is now approaching $12 trillion and US private debt is is near $18 trillion. When you add in unfunded liabilities under Social Security, medicare, and prescription drug programs the total debt burden of the USA is near $108 trillion dollars and with our government's speeding desire for massive health care reforms, without addressing tort reform and pharmaceutical companies turf, will dramatically increase this almost unimaginable debt load.

Our total asset value is estimated at $75 trillion dollars. If that is accurate, then we may figure that there is an asset gap of almost $100,000 for every person in America. One wonders if we had not aborted 40 million babies, how much that would change that number? Of course, a human life is beyond estimation of value, especially to our Father. With the new health care bills, we have not had many in government listening to us as we are now going to allow the government to mandate insurance company forced payments for abortions. How long oh Lord? How long?

China's investment in the US economy presents a powerful argument for the preservation of the dollar to protect its $1.4 trillion dollars it holds in the US.

China's rising high income class makes up almost one third of high end homes ($1 million to $ 4 million) being purchased in Australia.

We are challenged to study, pray,  and ask the Lord how we can make a difference in the nations for the cause of Christ. Americans are reminded that at one time in 1980's and 1990's 85% of all funds in Christian hands were in American Christians' hands. We don't know what that number would be today. We are also reminded that American Christians make up less than one percent of all Christians in the world today. We know we are blessed to be a blessing.

These startling statistics seem to suggest that while the American economy is changing in dramatic ways we are not powerless nor without hope in a bright future, because God is who he is, and His will is going to be done, with us or without us.  So, let us choose now to align ourselves with His Kingdom economy and seek breakthroughs and a fresh release of holy entrepreneurial skills, ideas, and marketing breakthroughs for us as children of the most high God.

We declare now that we seek to possess the prophetic wisdom and the mind of Christ, in unity and humility. We choose to be capturing the excitement, freshness, and renewed minds that are our promises from our Creator for the days ahead.  DL Moody once said, "If God be your partner, make your plans large." Let's dream together how we can catch up, line up, and dream with God, His way. Psalm 2:8 is an offer that we accept Lord. We do ask for the nations as our inheritance. Show us how Father.

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