Great Photos from Pastor Samuel in India
Dear beloved Rev. Jorge,
Greetings to you in the precious and wonderful name of our Lord and saviour, we are doing fine by the grace of God. How are you doing? Well we have started Bible School and Classes are going on well. Well we are planning for graduation in month of January last week or February. So I have talked about this with Pastor David White and Roy. Hope they both would plan with you about India. We are hoping their presence for our Bible school graduation. please plan together and let me know your plans.
I am very delighted to let you know that our ministry in TRIBAL area is wonderful. Pastor DAVID RAJU whose wife is recently passed away is doing very well in the ministry at place called TANK BEDU among fishermen families.
Recently Pastor David Raju is ministering to FISHERMEN FAMILIES. He and fishermen families could build prayer THATCHED SHED with Pam leaves, which is very beautiful. Well the poor fishermen families are very special loving people. They have made their prayer shed beautiful way and they have decorated Prayer Shed with color papers and it is looking very beautiful.
Well last week on 18th Wednesday day, I and my wife Shara and father Pastor Gabriel, Abraham and family went there and could INAGURATE, prayer shed for the glory of God. Well really those poor people words and love have touched my heart so much. They also offered me food where we sit with them on floor could eat food. It is very special thing to dedicate prayer shed in that area for the work of the lord.
We ask you to please pray that many souls to be added into the New Church.
Here with I am sending some of the pictures of TANK BEDU prayer shed DEDICATION pictures. Please take time to watch the pictures. Hope these pictures will surely help you to know the work of the lord which is going with us in Tribal area INDIA.
We do appreciate your prayers for our ministry India. Thank you for your prayer, support which is great help to do great things for the extension of God's kingdom in India. Thank you very much.
Yours prayerfully
Pastor Samuel