News from The Oak Initiative


   News and Updates 06/19/2010  
In This Issue
Oak Convention
Comfort Packs
Border Crossings
Oil Spill Solved?
Islam@Ground Zero?

OAK Convention

Oak Convention Aug 2010

Click here for more details
on the upcoming Oak
Initiative Convention. 

AUG. 26-28 2010

$20.00 Members
$50.00 non-Members

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Dear Patriots,

Welcome to our new format for sharing information we feel is important for you to know.  It is our hope that this information will prompt you to look into these matters more closely yourself as well as share with others.
A Letter from Our Board Member: Comfort Packs
LTG (US Army Ret)
W.G. Boykin
Gen. Boykin
Dear Patriotic American,

We live in strategic times. Our nation continues to be the HOPE for the world even though there are some who would like for the United States to be more like other nations who have already sacrificed their liberties. The challenges to our constitution and our way of life are routine and a matter of concern for each of us. We are challenged by growing debt, Islamic terrorism, eroding morality, and myriad other issues in our society today.

I've got an idea called "PROJECT COMFORT" to give COMFORT PACKS"!! more
Who is Really Crossing Our Borders?  
BordersAccording to the Border Patrol, the public is being mislead as to exactly WHO is coming into the U.S. from Mexico. It is not just "innocent" Mexicans looking for work.

This is the actual situation as documented by WSBTV in Atlanta.  Be sure to share these videos with your friends before they expire.

Video 1
Video 2 
Elena Kagan to Certain Students: Get to the Back of the Bus  
Elena Kagan HarvardSolicitor General and Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan treated patriotic students like second-class citizens when she banned them from meeting with military recruiters in the career office while she was the dean of students at Harvard Law School.

It is unclear whether she encouraged or required students to go off campus to meet with military recruiters. According to the New York Times, Harvard allowed on campus recruiting with the assistance of the Harvard Law Students Veterans Association (HLSVA). However, according to a letter posted on the HLSVA website from February 18, 2005, the HLSVA recruiters "will be strongly encouraged to arrange for an off-campus location to conduct interviews." more
Possible Solution for Oil Spill Damage Control
Gulf Oil Spill
Please watch this video!  It reveals how the State of Texas used microbes to eat up oil spills in the sea in a very short time with no harmful effects.   The video link below is short.

Also read:

Microbes In Mud Flats Clean Up Oil Spill Chemicals -ScienceDaily
Oil-Eating Microbes Give Clue To Ancient Energy Source -ScienceDaily
Oil-eating microbes produce green energy -ZDNet

Another Mark for Islam on Ground Zero?
Twin Towers Remembered
America is quickly changing right out from underneath you-- and what we have sought to protect and defend for so many years, including the Constitution, is being undermined by forces in our own government.  And it appears most Americans are asleep, though not all.  Does it seem inconceivable?  Read on, observe the pattern of changes in Europe, and take the opportunity to dig deeper into the growing momentum of Islamic power and influence in the United States.  (We are not against free market enterprise - but we are for sound judgment,  common sense, and honoring the fallen)

Ground Zero Mosque
$4.85M Cash Will Buy You a Mosque

And watch this video

Thank you for being a part of the Oak Initiative. Be sure to share these details with your friends and get involved.
In His Service,
The Oak Initiative

Office: 803-547-8217          Fax: 803-547-8218

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