The Deception of Tahiti

Editor's note: pray for Tahiti. MorningStar/CMM missionaries Earl and Jana Thurner write with this gripping update. 

Jorge Parrott

You Tube From Tahiti and The Deception of Tahiti

     Beautiful men, women and children in idyllic scenes of lush scenery and blue green water smile at you from every travel brochure and advertisement of French Polynesia.  When people think of Tahiti, how do they think of it?  Paradise, relaxation, vacation, gorgeus land bathed in the rhythmic movements of the soft ocean with half naked women dancing and handsome men blowing the conch on canoes.  Yet to live here is to live under deep oppression.  The other day after ministering to a group of elderly Tahitian men, I stepped into a shop where 2 women were.  One was the manager and the other worked there.  I asked to bless their business and the manager asked me why I was laying hands on the men in the street.  We shared a bit and she was definitely hesitant about us praying for the business.  Through words of knowledge about her, she opened up and I turned to the other women and began to describe the pain in her heart, her family and God's love for her.  Her answer was, "that is true for all of us here in this nation".
     That is the deception of Tahiti. 
This is a paradise lost, rife with unclean sexual perversion, open prostitution of men on the streets, mahus serving people from the counters of shops, children not shown affection after the age of 5 and beaten regularly, abused verbally and sexually within their own familes, aimless and purposeless youth stoned most of the time, angry Tahitians who feel their culture was raped by the French, religious form devoid of the presence, power and salvation of God and they cannot get along, maybe 2$ actually saved although Operation World the statistic and prayer targeting mnistry reports over 98% is Christian!!  With all the reports of missionary advance taking place in the world, hardly anyone ever really reaches out to this nation.  YWAM, a fixture for years succumbed to the demonic attacks awhile back and no longer a presence in the nation.  While there are teams coming in from New Zealand, France, Canada and sometimes from USA, they come and go as do other ministries.  The financial cost of coming here and living here is exorbitant, probably 90% more than living in America,  Getting a permanent visa is not a guarantee, the churches are not open to the move of God, the Pentecostal ones also.  The demonic and idolatry is flowing effortlessly through the islands carried by the indifference of believers who can hardly get along with their own families.  One island in the Marquesas is given over to marijuana and the children come into the world stoned and stay stoned.  There are 100 islands, most with no clear witness.  The horrific stories we hear daily from our own students and others, now full grown adults of their childhoods and lives is not the candy coated pictures beaming out from the travel brochures!

     One denomination, internally at war and resisting the move ot the Holy Spirit, another church of less than 100, a few small groups of less than 30 who keep to themselves, cults rampant, etc. The other day someone I know was talking about how I should be going to other nations with the anointing we have, doing more Nicaraguas.  Oh, it is wonderful to do crusades, break open regions and see many people touched, healed and saved and do that. And I will visit Nicaragua in May to oversee what He has done there but the reality is, there is a Jesus, moved with compassion, seeing the islands of French Polynesia without the shepherding love ot the Father and cries out to Him the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers here because they are FEW......few means small in number, puny in size and weak in ability and strength.  You can look up the word "pray".  It means bind yourself to someone, do not let go, literally to beg.  It is not a word of beggarly disposition, it is the begging that if I do not get what I need, I die.  Whatever happened to the Christianity "of whom the world is not worthy"?
I can imagine the scene that day when Jesus asked the disciples to pray the Lord of the Harvest?  I am sure He was gripped with emotion and crying out for people to be punctured in their hearts, pierced with the love of God and willing to be those who will not let them go without a shepherd.  We stand with our eyes also beholiding the true tahiti, the devastation and hopelessness and despair of the masses.  There are few laborers.  I just dropped Jana off for her class at the Center of Transformation.  I was met by 2 women who accompanied us with their families to Moorea.  One was the sister who gave her lifes saving, unasked, when we first came into this place.  It was only 2 grand but it was all she saved.  They are part of our team and I found out they were part of a cult here for 3 years.  Imagine the devastation  But they saw the true love of God and the freedom and the real Jesus when they hesitantly came to one of our initial meetings.  Their teenage children want nothing to do with church or religion.  Last night Alex and a few of our team opened the facility to youth on short notice.  30 youth came.  The two sisters ran to me telling me what happened to thier children and others as God touched them.  The joy on their faces, the tears of gratitude. 


     I am near tears.  My guts are hurting.  I am ripped with the pain of others.  I have to go set up a tent for Marama Night this evening in a few minutes.  I talked to elderly men on the street because of the ache.  Christianity without an ache is not the Christianity of Christ.  It comes from the inside out.  But it is a choice and for many it can be made.  It also transforms our lives because to take a drink of Jesus is to become rivers plural, it is a natural outflow. I walk the streets to bless some businesses because it is just a way to maybe, just maybe bring the gospel of the kingdom to a broken soul within.  We take the boat to Moorea because of love, to reach the hurting.  We leased a building without a dime in our pockets because of love.  Imagine, not one penny and go get a facility needing $23,000 and not a dime.  Love costs, love risks, love stretches. It got done because of some of you who want it done.  It cost us all we have and that is the normal Christian life, He deserves it all and we heard the ache of His heart.  We put our son in law on staff because we hear the cries of the children who have no voice, the youth who could care less if they speak at all because they have been shut down by life and religion for so long they do not care to talk anymore and for the young adults who have been told by religion who they are only in terms of limited expression which is usually the limited vision of the pastor and they cannot rise above that.  We did not have a dime to put hm on staff either.  Lets get real here about all this money stuff. This nation has intimidated the body of Christ worldwide because of the difficulty of advancing the gospel for many reasons, the primary one, the price is too steep to pay to establish His presence and power and perpetuate ministry to bring lasting change to the households of this nation and the financial cost and logistics of doing so.  Those that prayed the Lord of the Harvest heard the cries of the son of God. It is about others.  They were the ones that ended up harvesting also.  To hear the cries of Jesus broken over others is to be willing to be the answer. 


     There are are many prophecies over Tahiti about the transformation of the nation.  We begin from the finshed work paid by blood to see it happen.  We live believing every prophetic word.that it has been done but many are called and few are chosen.  The reason being is that you have to say yes to see it accomplished.  We must beware the prophetic that produces the euphoria of felt promise without the personal willingness to be part of the solution, ones full yes to what God asks of that person.  The bride of Christ will hear the invitation to follow Him to the vineyards and fields.  The mountain top ecstasy with Jesus being transfigured becomes a sight seeing tour of the tormented demonic in the valleys below. 


    We bless God for those of you who live to shatter the chains of oppression and bondage in this nation.  You are saying yes, others experience the power of your decision.  My associate here just came by and as I shared the pain of his people I was feeling and the price we must pay to continue to build something that will be perpetuated, he remarked; "If we are not willing to die for the territory God has placed us in, the apostolic will not be confirmed".  A little different slant on apostolic ministry isn't it.


    There have been those who have truly seen the heart of God we are trying to articulate in this nation.  We are so thankful.  There are others, pastors, churches, ministries and others who also might respond as a body to sow into this nation, taking it seriously and this is written also to you.  There are some hearts can pierce for this vision, we invite you to the task of punishing the crooked serpent.  If I do not hear from you, no problem, and I will spare you the sharing of partaking in seeing it happen.  At the end of this day, there will be lives that are forever changed and wherever you are, pray the Lord of the harvest for laborers, demand it...earl

(support Earl and Jana. Donate online at or mail to CMM at PO 7705 Charlotte, NC 28241)

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anyone can, everyone should, be LOVE.

There are no impossibilities, YOU are the solution.

BrocAlexander Antonio Kamp

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