VANUATU GLORY! Going where few go, casting out demons, winning over witchcraft, and more.
**This is from Terri Morrow, recently visited Vanuatu in the S. Pacific. She got a serious staff infection, almost died, and lives to share this great report. She is a mighty warrior.
Think about inviting her to your church to speak.
My dear family,
Once again I want to begin with thanks to those of you who covered me in your
prayers. I believe I am alive, in great part due to them. I tell you once again, I
lean heavily upon the prayers of the saints, and this time was more critical than
any previous trip. Adversity was not scarce; but neither was the grace of God! I am
truly learning that in my weakest, His strength is made perfect.
If I may, I would like to repeat what I learned concerning "His strength being
made perfect." To be made perfect is also to be made complete, and being made
complete is doing that which you were designed to do. Take for example a lock and a
key; the lock on it's own is a finished object. It is fully ...