Tahiti: Earl and Jana Thurner-- Center of Transformation Opening in Papeete, Tahiti

(This is a fresh report from the S. Pacific island of Tahiti where Earl and Jana Thurner, Edualdo and Aline Cicero, and Torea and Teresa Manjard serve to bring transformation. They are all part of MorningStar/CMM Missions. Pray for them.)
     It is evident that there is the beginning of a genuine outpouring of the Holy Spirit in French Polynesia throught the School of Transformation, weekly meetings and now being perpetuated in our Center of Transformation facility in the heart of Papeete which was birthed on Saturday, February 26.  With very little advertising, the opening was packed out with 3 hours of ministry through many whose giftings and expressions were released for the first time. We will put together some pictures when we get back to the states. 
     To see grown Tahitian men weep watching a prophetic dance well over 40 minutes depicting the migrations of the Polynesian people, the coming of the gospel to Tahiti and the destiny of this nation to the ends of the earth was a profound moment.  To see the man who has spearheaded the born again movement in the Protestant Church honored and then bless the facility as the people of the land immediately ushered in the face of God clearly felt by all.  Ministering with his family and then pouring out his heart moved ours.  The future President of a political party was honored, cultural expressions representing the Chinese who comprise 10% of this nation, music and dance flowing from the Marquesans, the Tahitians, and a group of young and youth expressing through hip hop dancing took place.These kids are not saved but through words of knowledge I gave the leader before Marama Night, hearts were opened and as those attending prayed for them afterwards, the Holy Spirit came upon many of them  These are kids who have been broken and devastated but the Embrace of the Father has been coming their way. I cannot wait to meet with all of them this week, they are so close to being born from above. There will be the raising up of a global breed of revolutionary reformers and God will be birthing that in the months to come and a team of young visionaries who will pour out their hearts like water before the face of God for the lives of the young who are fainting from hunger at the head of every street will take place.(Lamentations 2:19).  This facility will also be for the renaissance of the arts, painting, dance, culture, music, acting etc. beginning this wednesday night. 
     To see Tahitians who were touched through the original outpouring when I came 14 years ago and saw their culture released in the church now dreaming again, weeping under the power of God in every meeting, bringing their families without being asked and decorate the entire building in Tahitian style, buy tables, bring tons of food and minister Tahitian worship is so fulfilling.  Three times we have been sent into the nation to usher in a move of God, three times we were stopped and the last time left in honor but in heart pain.  In that moment over 5 years ago, a young man who knew nothing prophesied in Redding of all that took place and the day of return. After that, one of the leading intercessors in Heidi Bakers ministry graphically did the same.  Bob Jones, a prophetic voice shared with Edualdo Cicero months ago about the school that would have to be birthed first and the impact it would have.  We are part of Morningstar and our team is comprised of 2 other couples who are also.  Just before leaving, Shawn Bolz team of Expressions58 church in Los Angeles who knew nothing of French Polynesia gave extensive and specific prophetic words over us. These words of clear identity and purpose and what would happen on this trip have been coming to pass daily here, it is really beautiful.  That is the church we attend when we are back in Hollywood and we are just so privileged to love this nation.  
     To love a nation, to love all the body of Christ, to love the lost, to celebrate everyone and call forth the value and gold in everyone.  To provide a place where God can rest His head and the Holy Spirit is given freedom.  To honor all the ministries and reach out to all the ministers and churches is just shattering the witchcraft so many have been defiled by.  Ever since we stepped out by faith to secure the facility in Papeete, God just began pouring out His Spirit in ever increasing ways.  We are just so happy to see the dreams and visons of so many quenched by religious mindsets coming alive.  And when they do, the result is powerful ministry coming forth from them in an atmosphere of love and respect and no control.  A former associate pastor of the AOG has been under a visitation for weeks since Jana prophesied he would become a whirlwind.  Caught up to heaven, he has been stunned by God in every meeting and out of that ministers the love and glory of God and people come under God's presence like never before, a transforming presence, not just a touch of God but they really become different people.  It is precious.
     The youth leaders of another church who are unable to minister freely came Saturday night and all 3 of them were visited by God in their seats and this went on for the entire meeting.  Edualdo who was interpreting for me was struck by God and as he was interpreting he released  such a wave of joy and refreshing over the people.  A Mormon from Moorea came with a friend to the opening.  This man was prophesied over on the front lawn of some of our teams home in Moorea and fell out under the power of God on the lawn.  He wants to be a part of what is happening.  What a trip.  Came on the boat to Tahiti.  The 84 year old woman from Toulouse, France who was healed of major back problem was revelling in the Lord all day.  We already have an outreach ministry in Moorea and those that came to it are already contacting us to return to bring more people.  Broken and devastated marriages were healed in a few hours, so wonderful.  A woman whose husband burned her with cigarettes and has a son 9 who I told you about that got saved also has a 4 year old who the father rejects. She comes every week and is being so touched by God and this boy represents the orphan and fatherless who are so many in this nation.  We will love them, we will see them know Abba.
     Tonight we will stand outside the prison that Aline Cicero ministers in.  Something supernatural is happening in the prison.  In the 4 buildings that house the prisoners spontaneous praise and worship erupts throughout the day.  Now from 5 to 6;30 each morning they sing and there are scheduled times and one of them is at 6 at night.  We are going to just listen to them before we birth the prayer ministry at the facility.  This is truly astonishing and a sense of God is permeating the prison.  Pray for Aline who goes in every week and she was being paid by the government but they told her that they could no longer do so, she teaches English, so she goes in for love which has touched the prisoners.  
     God has breathed on what is happening and has given us such great people to work with who will be ministering in the school and meetings when we return to the states for a month.  The Manjards will do 2 weeks of teaching on the prophetic as they are graduates of Morningstars School and activating the students and out to the streets they will go.  It is amazing that the school grows every week, with new students joining and visitors coming to be a part of it.  It is a school of transformation, being formed into the likeness of Jesus Christ and demonstrating the miraculous, all motivated by LOVE.  We have rejoiced to see them healing the sick as we gather together and declaring the words of God over many.  A woman who had a major heart problem was healed being prayed for over the phone and there are other testimonies.
     After the opening we all shared in tons of food and fellowship and to see so many from different walks of life and fellowships enjoying each other is just so much fun.  We are all doing life together and this is our theme.  We are just a part of seeing God touch a nation.  We shared the testimony of the guy who was being evacuated from Moorea to Tahiti on the Aremiti 5 because a nail in his foot had infected and was spreading up his left side into his chest and he was scared and in pain.  Edualdo and I prayed for him, the pain left, he was healed and God came on him  Later we came to see him and the stunned staff of the boat was there and we gave words of knowledge over each of them and a woman who got out of her seat to see what was going on and as the boat landed all invited the Lord into their lives.  It is harvest time.  Even the man who did the air conditioning in the facility was touched by God as we were sharing with him after the job.  Hope to buy him lunch this week and see what God will do. 
     To touch a nation, we have been instructed by the Lord not to start a church or for me to be a pastor of a local church.  We came to serve the nation, the body of Christ with a clear vision of how to begin and He will lead us as we look to Him.  So on Sundays if we are not ministering in a church or going to another island to minister, Jana and I go to a local church, and for now it is the one we birthed, Full Gospel Church of Polynesia and love the people and worship with them. Almost all our team goes also and it was wonderful seeing everyone on Sunday and listening to the man Jana and I married, who is now the pastor.  His wife and kids were there from Maui and the leadership we instituted in 2005 is still the same and we honor the work they are doing.  We have met with the President of the French Assemblies of God twice and building a great relationship.  His brother lives on Moorea and brings people from the church under his brother to the meetings and they were so touched by God also.  What a time to be alive!! 
    We are thankful for the ministries from France that will be coming to bless the nation and now we can host them in our own facility. There are some teams coming from the USA also and we know others have a heart to love this nation and we enjoy working shoulder to shoulder with all the body of Christ and serve in any way to see the gift they are opened by the people of the nation.  
    We bless and thank all of you who have been praying and supporting us financially and as you continue to do so, we will continue to see Him accomplish more and more.  There is so much more to share and we appreciate your prayer for the meetings Friday and Saturday night, Janas class on Saturday morning and the School of Transformation which meets Saturday afternoon.  More of Him, More of Him.  Doing His will is success, that is all we care about.                      
earl and jana 
(If you are led to sow into what the Lord is doing in Tahiti donate securely online at http://eaglemissions.net or mail your investment to CMM PO 7705 Charlotte, NC 28241.) 
Earl and Jana Thurner 

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