
Prayer For Kingdom People Around the World] Prayer For Raped Women o...

t [Kingdom Prayer For Kingdom People Around the World] Prayer For Raped Women of the Congo Let us focus the next few days on praying for the raped women of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Ministry to these women has begun by the churches and some of us have had opportunity to get involved at various levels. Let us pray for: 1. The churches and leaders to reach out to them even more 2. Their finding freedom and healing in the Lord Jesus 3. The continued settlement of Julie and Grandma 4. Continued fruitful partnership between us and leaders in the Congo as we seek to be involved in this ministry in the future in meaningful ways 5. The discontinuing of raping in this area 6. An outpouring of the Holy Spirit on these women and a revelation of Jesus Christ 7. A fresh anointing of hope for the future for these women Please forward this to any who may wish to join us in prayer. -- Posted By tapreach to Kingdom Prayer For Kingdom People Around the World at 2/07/2007 09:1...

The Call For Blacksmiths by Robin McMillan and CMM Updates and Valentine's Special Gifts

Christ's Mandate For Missions Subscribe     Unsubscribe     Change E-mail     View Archive The Call For Blacksmiths by Robin McMillan and CMM Updates and Valentine's Special Gifts Robin McMillan, guest writer, and CMM Staff Feb 5, 2007 Note: If you wish to unsubscribe from this posting or if you are receiving duplicate emails, send an email to and write unsubsribe in the subject line. Greetings Friend of God, What an amazing year we are in!! We are so thankful for you and your prayers and your generous giving, to bless and save souls in many nations. Psalm 2:8 says, "Ask of Me and I will give you the nations for your inheritance. And the ends of the earth for your possession."  Are you praying for the nations? Tell us which nation you are praying for. Email us at Valentine's Day is near. You can go to this site and order from a large selection of gifts and flower...

How to make a cell phone case from Duct Tape and save money to sow into CMM

  How to make a cell phone case from Duct Tape—Classy—Low Cost Send the price you pay for a store made brand to CMM for missions. Visit this link for simple, fast, easy, directions.  Are you a good steward?   Jorge Parrott Photo Album Online For all your travel needs visit: Save on travel, own your own biz, click here   Jorge Parrott Photo Album Online For all your travel needs visit: Save on travel, own your own biz, click here

: Bob Jones, Bobby Conner in Foley AL nightly Tues thru Thurs 12/26-28

  Jorge Parrott Photos: www:// For all your travel needs visit: Save on travel, own your own biz, click here ----- Forwarded Message ---- From: JONI AMES MINISTRIES NEWSLETTER <> To: Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2006 1:02:27 PM Subject: Bob Jones, Bobby Conner in Foley AL nightly Tues thru Thurs 12/26-28  JONI AMES MINISTRIES NEWSLETTER Subscribe     Unsubscribe     Change E-mail     View Archive Bob Jones, Bobby Conner in Foley AL nightly Tues thru Thurs 12/26-28 Dec 26, 2006 There is a mini-conference (because there is only ONE meeting daily, and it is at 6-10 PM meetings) in Foley, AL. that starts tonight. Paul Keith Davis, Bobby Conner and Bob Jones are speaking, JoAnn McFatter doing worship. It runs through Dec. 28. You can ...

Trip info to Fuga Island, Philippines April 21st to May 3rd

Hey guys,   the Fuga island Philippines trip is lining up well.  We have several committed to going already. I will be in the Philippines early January and will do some advance set-up.   The plan right now is to do evangelical services, bring in medicines, bring in eyeglasses and/or eye care, possible repair of damaged church, feed the folks, prayer ministry, etc.  We will probably visit at least 3 of the islands 6 villages.  If we have a large enough team it may be possible to hit them all.   Total cost for trip is $2300.00.  This covers all flights in and out of country, bus and boat travel and all food/lodging in the Philippines .  You will want your own money for souveneirs, airport food, etc.  I need all money in by February 20th.   We can take as many as want to go on this trip so if you know any others who want to go forward this to them.  Checks should be made out to Christ's Mandate for Mi...

[Christ's Mandate For Missions] No Time For Shopping? Visit The CMM Mall With Nearly 1,000 Stores!

 Christ's Mandate For Missions Subscribe     Unsubscribe     Change E-mail     View Archive No Time For Shopping? Visit The CMM Mall With Nearly 1,000 Stores! CMM Staff Dec 18, 2006 No Gift? No Time? No Problem! Welcome to the CMM Mall Rest, relax, take a look at offerings from nearly 1,000 stores. The percentage numbers you see is the amount of the profit that goes to help CMM fulfill the Great Commission. Now, that is something to get excited about! You get to save on your last minute Christmas shopping and help save souls around the globe! We've listed Gift Cards and Certificates to help you out with your last minute shopping. You can even see the generous amount returned ...

[Christ's Mandate For Missions] Announcing CMM's New Online Photo Album!! Take a Global Tour Online!!

 Christ's Mandate For Missions Subscribe     Unsubscribe     Change E-mail     View Archive Announcing CMM's New Online Photo Album!! Take a Global Tour Online!! Jorge Parrott and Staff Volunteers Dec 15, 2006 Greetings Children of the Living God, Untitled Document Announcing CMM's New Online Photo Album! Dear Jorge, May All Spiritual Blessings and Joy Abound To You And Yours! Be sureWe finally have a wonderful online photo album at: CMM_Photos Please take a tour around the world and see what God is doing with CMM, your mission connection. Be sure to visit the Philippines album and see the work going on now with the diff...

[Christ's Mandate For Missions] Jesus The Man Of Peace by Robin McMillan

 Christ's Mandate For Missions Subscribe     Unsubscribe     Change E-mail     View Archive Jesus The Man Of Peace by Robin McMillan Robin McMillan Dec 12, 2006 **Note from Staff, Greetings Friend of God, May this season find you resting in the peace of God. Though shoppers fly by and days surpass From beyond the veil of time He calls Come up here, He beckons Stop just now and take a breath the Breath of life He gives each one precious and deep His love pervades the earth See the children fondly gazing and dreaming their happiness secure not in a purchased box Theirs, in a hug, a smile captured by first light oh, the children delight in Your embrace. May this Christmas be oh so bright as you pour out His love unto the Child by Jorge Parrott Will you remember to pray for the missionarie...

Honduras For Jesus--Great God

Hi Robert and Amy, Great report! Thanks. Praise God. I had a couple of Jehovah's witnesses come to our house a couple of weeks back and I was asking them a lot of questions, like what about miracles. They said they stopped in the first century. I said, "show me". They pointed to 1Cor 13, can you believe that? I shared that if they did a word study they would not find a reference to the first century in that chapter about miracles stopping. I asked them about the thief on the cross at crucifixion, they said, no, he is not in heaven. I asked them about if non-Jehovah Witnesses will be in Heaven, and after much verbal dancing, one of them said no. I shared something like "why would God limit His love?" Why would He talk so much about grace and the new covenant to limit heaven to 144000 JW? My wife and I prayed for them to have a love invasion, a Holy Spirit meltdown, a God encounter and we shared about all the miracles we have seen and that no one can take that...