
Great Photos from Pastor Samuel in India

 Note: This is from a pastor with an orphanage supported by The Order of St. John Of Jerusalem and Knights from the Carolina Priory. If you are led to support or sow a gift send in your investment in the Kingdom to CMM PO 7705 Charlotte, NC 28241 designated for Pastor Samuel       Dear beloved Rev. Jorge,   Greetings to you in the precious and wonderful name of our Lord and saviour, we are doing fine by the grace of God. How are you doing? Well we have started Bible School and Classes are going on well. Well we are planning for graduation in month of January last week or February. So I have talked about this with Pastor David White and Roy. Hope they both would plan with you about India. We are hoping their presence for our Bible school graduation. please plan together and let me know your plans.   I am very delighted to let you know that our ministry in TRIBAL area is wonderful. Pastor DAVID RAJU whose wife is recently passed away is doing very well in the ministry a

Update on Ugandan Construction Manager Stoned and Beaten

Dear Precious Friends, Thank you so very much for all of your prayers.  We greatly appreciate them.  They have been impacting our lives in Kyenjojo!  Christopher was released from the hospital Friday afternoon.  He is recovering, but he is still in an incredible amount of pain.  We need to continue to pray for his total healing.  His back is causing him the most pain.  The bricks and stones inflicted serious injuries on that part of his body.  He is also experiencing pain in a number of other areas.  He needs the touch of the Lord.  We thank God that Christopher survived this event.  We know that it was only by the divine intervention of God that he is alive today.  I praise the Lord for his delivering power and faithfulness!  We need to continue to pray about the resolution to this situation.  We need justice to be implemented in this case.  Please continue to pray for the hearts of the policemen and the other legal authorities who will be handling this case.  Pray that they show co

Obama ‘Reaches Out’ by Naming ‘Devout’ Muslims to Security Posts

Obama 'Reaches Out' by Naming 'Devout' Muslims to Security Posts Cheshvan 30, 5770, 17 November 09 03:52 by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu ( U.S. President Barack Obama continues to "reach out to Muslims" by appointing them to key security posts amid charges he wrongly ignored internal Muslim terror. One recent appointee was harshly criticized for appearing on a British-based television station whose host is a member of a radical Muslim group. His "reaching out Muslims" speech in Cairo last June has been followed by action, the latest being this past week's swearing-in of a Muslim rights advocate to the Homeland Security Advisory Council, shortly after the Fort Hood massacre. HSAC members are involved in expertise on national security. The new member is Syrian-born Kareem Shora, who was the national executive director of the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination (ADC), which previously has called on the United States to stop providing

Reaping the harvest among "Mutrasa-tribe".... four souls winning... pictures

 Dr. Jorge and CMM family,     We are so much rejoicing in the Lord for opened yesterday among "Mutrasa-tribes".     This village name is "Parimalla-village". There are 200 people living in the huts. They are very poor people. They don't have proper houses.  They live in huts road side. They are idol worshipers. Both men and women drink together. Most of them are sick due to malnutrition.     With God-given burden LLM, yesterday, myself and brother Elisha went to the village in order to share the gospel and pray for sick.     These people are very much for hunger for God in spite of they are utterly living under poverty.     I could share the gospel to these people. Miraculously 4 people gave their lives to Jesus and got water baptism. Priase God.     Now, LLM has a great burden to send one missionary in order to do follow up these people.    So, we want to place brother Elisha among these people. Please do pray that God will use brother Elisha with His anoit

Orphanage Worker Beaten, Stoned in Uganda

  Dear Fellow Laborers in the US, I am kindly requesting for you to say some extra prayers for our team here in Kyenjojo, Uganda.  We have recently had some events occur that have injured some of our workers and friends.  Yesterday our contractor, Christopher, was the victim of a mob mentality and was severely beaten and stoned.  He was taken to a hospital in a nearby town for treatment last night.  We have received a report today that he is improving and that he had no serious internal injuries.  We really give all of the glory to God for the protection that was given to this precious man.  He does have some phsycial wounds on his head and body and has swelling in certain areas.  He has faced much pain over the last two days and definitely needs our prayers.  We are thankful that he has shown great improvement from yesterday, but we are still believing God for a complete recovery.  The doctors are hoping to release him from the hospital tomorrow.  Secondly, please pray for justice

India: sister Anjali's house burnt pictures

  Dear friend of God,    Here is sister Anjali's house burnt pictures. Please look at them. please do pray for sister Anjali and her parents salvation.           LLM/CMM went immediately helped them with God-given compassion. CMM is helping collect funds to rebuild the house of Anjali. If you are led to support this effort mail in your gift to CMM PO 7705 Charlotte, NC 28241 or donate securely online at               in His field,                 Jai&Yori. New Windows 7: Simplify what you do everyday. Find the right PC for you.