Preparing For The Glory To Increase by Jorge Parrott (sent to pastors globally with Hands For Christ, now in Charlotte)
Preparing For The Glory To Increase by Jorge Parrott Hands for Christ has sent hundreds of tons of Christian literature and media to 54,000 ministries in 129 nations. The Operations Center of HFC is now in Charlotte at Please pray for your brothers and sisters in God's army worldwide. Dear Precious Saint of the most high God, May all spiritual blessings rest upon you, your family, and your ministry in the days ahead. We thank God for your love of truth and justice and for the Lord's will to be done, on earth, as it is in Heaven. Heaven is invading earth. Each testimony you have read in God's word, each testimony of a miracle in someone's life you have heard, each testimony of God's supernatural power working in your life, is a testimony that no one can take from you. You believe it. You saw it. You experienced it. People can say what they want, even that you are out of your mind. It is ok! The testimonies of God are like bric